संघ लोक सेवा आयोग विभिन्न सेवाओं और पदों की भर्ती के लिए सिविल सेवा परीक्षा का आयोजन करता है . इच्छुक उम्मीदवार ऑनलाइन मोड के माध्यम से आवेदन कर सकते हैं | .संघ लोक सेवा आयोग सिविल सेवा परीक्षा की चयन प्रक्रिया नीचे दी गई है -
चयन प्रक्रिया :
प्रतियोगी परीक्षा लगातार दो चरणों में शामिल हैं |
I. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinations (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for Main Examination; and
II. Civil Services (Main) Examination (Written and Interview) for the selection of candidates for the various services and posts.
I.प्रारंभिक परीक्षा : The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers of Objective type (multiple choice questions) and carry a maximum of 400 marks in the subjects set out in subsection (A) of Section-II. This examination is meant to serve as a screening test only; Only those candidates who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary Examination in the year will be eligible for admission to the Main Examination of that year provided they are otherwise eligible for admission to the Main Exam.
Note: Candidates should note that there will be penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers.
II. Main Examination: मुख्य परीक्षा मुख्य परीक्षा लिखित परीक्षा और साक्षात्कार परीक्षा शामिल होंगे |The Main Examination will consist of written examination and an interview test.
(a) Written Examination: लिखित परीक्षा The question papers for the examination will be of conventional (essay) type. Each paper will be of three hours duration. Candidates will have the option to answer all the question papers, except Paper-I (English Comprehension and English précis) in English or Hindi. Candidates, who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the written part of the Main Examination as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion, shall be summoned by them for an interview or for a Personality Test. The number of candidates to be summoned for interview will be about twice the number of vacancies to be filled.
Note: The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main Examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Examination will be about twelve to thirteen times the total approximate number of vacancies to be filled in the year in the various Services and Posts.
(b) Interview Test: साक्षात्कार टेस्ट The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a record of his/her career. He/she will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The object of the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a career in public service by a Board of competent and unbiased observers.
III. Final Selection: Marks thus obtained by the candidates in the Main Examination (written part as well as interview) would determine their final ranking. Candidates will be allotted to the various Services keeping in view their ranks in the examination and the preferences expressed by them for the various Services and Posts.
Civil Services Exam Eligibility Criteria: Union Public Service Commission – UPSC conducts Civil Services Examination once in a year. Civil Services Examination eligibility details are mentioned below…
I. Nationality:
(1) For the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service, a candidate must be a citizen ofIndia.
(2) For other services, a candidate must be either:
(a) a citizen ofIndia, or
(b) a subject ofNepal, or
(c) a subject ofBhutan, or
(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over toIndiabefore 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling inIndia, or
(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
II. Age: A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on 1st August, 2013, i.e. he must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1983 and not later than 1st August, 1992.
The upper age limit relaxations given below.
(a)The Age relaxable for SC, ST’S candidates 5 years
(b)Age relax able for OBC candidates 3 years
(c)Age relax able for 3 years in case of defence services personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or disturbed area.
(d) 5 years Age relax able for Ex-service men including commissioned officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of a assignment of 5 years military service .(As the date given in advt)
(e) 5 years age relaxable in the case of ECOs /SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of 5 years of military service.(As the date given based in advt).
(f) Ten years age relaxation for blind, deaf, deaf, mute and orthopaedically handicapped candidates.
(g) 5 years age relaxable if a candidate had ordinary been domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from the 1st January (As the date given based on Advt)
III. Minimum Educational Qualification: The candidate must hold a Degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification.
NOTE : Candidates who have appeared at an examination the passing of which would render them educationally qualified for the Commission’s examination but have not been informed of the results as also the candidates who intend to appear at such a qualifying examination will also be eligible for admission to the Preliminary Examination.
IV. Number of Attempts: Maximum of 4 attempts are allowed. No restriction for SC, ST candidates and 7 attempts are allowed for OBC Candidates.
V. Physical Standards: The candidate must be physically fit and medically according to physical standards for admission to Civil Services Examination.
Civil Services Exam Pattern Details: Civil Services Examination conducts by Union Public Service Commission once in a year .The exam pattern details are given below…
Exam Pattern Details: Civil Services Exam Consists of 2 Stages.
I. Preliminary Examination (Objective Type)
II. Main Examination (Written and Interview)
I. Preliminary Examination The Examination shall comprise two compulsory papers of 200 marks each.
(i) Both the question papers will be of the objective type (multiple choice questions).
(ii) The question papers will be set both in Hindi and English. However, questions relating to English Language Comprehension skills of Class X level will be tested through passages from English Language only without providing Hindi translation thereof in the question paper.
(iii) Each paper will be of two hours duration. Blind candidates will however; be allowed an extra time of twenty minutes at each paper
II. Main Examination:
1. The written examination will consist of the following papers:
Qualifying Papers:
Paper‐ A:One of the Indian Language to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution).- 300 Marks
Paper‐ B: English- 300 Marks
Papers to be counted for Merit
Paper | Subject | Maximum Marks |
Paper-I | Essay, English Comprehension & English Précis | 200, 100 |
Paper -II | General Studies-I | 250 |
Paper-III | General Studies-II | 250 |
Paper-IV | General Studies-III | 250 |
Paper-V | General Studies-IV | 250 |
Paper-VI | Optional subject Paper-I | 250 |
Paper-VII | Optional subject Paper-II | 250 |
Sub total | Written Test | 1850 |
Personality Test | 275 | |
Grand Total | 2075 |
Paper – I
Essay-200 Marks, English Comprehension & English Précis: 250 Marks
Paper – II
General Studies – I: 250 Marks (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society)
Paper – III
General Studies – II: 250 Marks (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations)
Paper – IV
General Studies –III: 250 Marks (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)
Paper -V
General Studies –IV: 250 Marks (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)
Paper -VI
Optional Subject – Paper 1: 250 Marks
Paper -VII
Optional Subject – Paper 2: 250 Marks
Sub Total (Written test): 1750 Marks
Personality Test: 275 Marks.
Grand Total: 2025 Marks
List of Optional Subjects for Main Examination:
(i) Agriculture
(ii) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
(iii) Anthropology
(iv) Botany
(v) Chemistry
(vi) Civil Engineering
(vii) Commerce and Accountancy
(viii) Economics
(ix) Electrical Engineering
(x) Geography
(xi) Geology
(xii) History
(xiii) Law
(xiv) Management
(xv) Mathematics
(xvi) Mechanical Engineering
(xvii) Medical Science
(xviii) Philosophy
(xix) Physics
(xx) Political Science and International Relations
(xxi) Psychology
(xxii) Public Administration
(xxiii) Sociology
(xxiv) Statistics
(xxv) Zoology
Literature of any one of the following Languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, English.
2. Personality Test/Interview: The maximum marks for interview is 275 marks. The candidate will be interviewed by a Board of competent and unbiased observers who will have before them a record of his/her career. The object of the Interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for the Service. The candidate will be expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in his/her subjects of academic study but also in events which are happening around him/her both within and outside his/her own state or country, as well as in modem currents of thoughts and in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of well educated youth.
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