LIC DSE Exam Syllabus
Life Insurance Company (LIC) recruits the citizens of India for vacant seats of Direct Sales Executive (DSE) at several areas like Kanpur, Kolkata, Bhopal, Patna, Chennai, Mumbai and Hyderabad.
LIC DSE Exam Syllabus:
Written Exam Syllabus - Aspirants who will appear for the exam have to clear objective type test which will having the questions from the following topics :-
Aptitude Test of Reasoning:
Reasoning ability and mental aptitude questions will be asked in this part of exam paper.
Verbal: Number Series, Alphabet Series, Test Of Direction Sense, Coding-Decoding, Number Ranking, Arithmetical Reasoning, Problem On Age Calculation, Blood Relations, Analogy, Decision Making Etc.
Non-Verbal: Non Verbal Series, Mirror Images, Cubes and Dice, Grouping Identical Figures, Embedded Figures etc. are some related topics.
Numerical Ability:
In this part of exam paper, there will be quantitative skills questions.
Number System, HCF, LCM, Simplification, Decimal Fractions, Ratio and Proportions, Unitary Method, Percentage, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Average, Simple and Compound Interest, Mensuration (2D and 3D), Algebra, Data Interpretation are some related topics.
General Knowledge and Awareness:
Candidates have to be prepared for this section of exam paper by keeping themselves up to date with the world and the activities of surrounding.
Current Affairs (National and International), Major Financial / Economic News, Budget and Five Year Plans, Sports, Books and Authors, Awards and Honors, Science - Inventions and Discoveries, Abbreviations, Important Days, International and National Organizations are some related topics.
English Language with special emphasis on grammar and vocabulary.
Note- There will also be a descriptive paper of English covering Test of essay, Précis and Comprehension in English.
Life Insurance Company (LIC) recruits the citizens of India for vacant seats of Direct Sales Executive (DSE) at several areas like Kanpur, Kolkata, Bhopal, Patna, Chennai, Mumbai and Hyderabad.
LIC DSE Exam Syllabus:
Written Exam Syllabus - Aspirants who will appear for the exam have to clear objective type test which will having the questions from the following topics :-
Aptitude Test of Reasoning:
Reasoning ability and mental aptitude questions will be asked in this part of exam paper.
Verbal: Number Series, Alphabet Series, Test Of Direction Sense, Coding-Decoding, Number Ranking, Arithmetical Reasoning, Problem On Age Calculation, Blood Relations, Analogy, Decision Making Etc.
Non-Verbal: Non Verbal Series, Mirror Images, Cubes and Dice, Grouping Identical Figures, Embedded Figures etc. are some related topics.
Numerical Ability:
In this part of exam paper, there will be quantitative skills questions.
Number System, HCF, LCM, Simplification, Decimal Fractions, Ratio and Proportions, Unitary Method, Percentage, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Average, Simple and Compound Interest, Mensuration (2D and 3D), Algebra, Data Interpretation are some related topics.
General Knowledge and Awareness:
Candidates have to be prepared for this section of exam paper by keeping themselves up to date with the world and the activities of surrounding.
Current Affairs (National and International), Major Financial / Economic News, Budget and Five Year Plans, Sports, Books and Authors, Awards and Honors, Science - Inventions and Discoveries, Abbreviations, Important Days, International and National Organizations are some related topics.
English Language with special emphasis on grammar and vocabulary.
Note- There will also be a descriptive paper of English covering Test of essay, Précis and Comprehension in English.

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