SSC Junior Engineer Exam Pattern: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Junior Engineer Examination will have the following Examination Pattern.
The examination will be conducted in two stages:
A.Written Test (500 marks)
B.Interview (100 marks)
A. Written Test: Written test will consists of two papers viz Paper -I and Paper-II. Paper-I will consist of Objective Type Multiple Choice questions only and Paper-II will be Conventional Type questions . There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-I.
Scheme of Written Exam:
Papers | Subject | Maximum Marks |
Duration & Timings |
Paper-I Objective type (OMR Answer Sheets will be provided for this Paper) |
(i) General Intelligence & Reasoning (ii) General Awareness (iii) Part –A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) OR Part-B General Engineering (Electrical) OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) |
100 |
2 Hours [10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon] |
Paper-II Conventional Type |
Part –A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) OR Part – B General Engineering (Electrical) OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) |
300 | 2 Hours [2.00 PM to 4.00 PM] |
Note I: Paper -I and Paper-III for General Engineering, the candidate will be required to attempt only one part i.e. Part-A or Part-B or Part-C as per option given in the application form by the candidate.e. In other words, the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer(Quantity Surveying & Contract) should attempt Part A (Civil & Structural) of Paper-I and Paper-II and the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) should attempt Part-B (Electrical) and the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) should attempt Part C (Mechanical) of Paper-I and Paper II failing which he/she would be awarded zero marks.
Note-II: Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Non Programmable Calculator, Logarithm Tables and Steam Table for Paper-II only. They are not allowed to use such aids for Paper-I.
B. Personality Test (Interview): Personality test will be conducted for 100 marks. Only those candidates who secure at least the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination as may be fixed by the Commission at its discretion, will be eligible to appear in the Interview.
The examination will be conducted in two stages:
A.Written Test (500 marks)
B.Interview (100 marks)
A. Written Test: Written test will consists of two papers viz Paper -I and Paper-II. Part I will be Objective type questions for 200 marks and Paper II will have Conventional type questions for 300 marks. Time duration for each paper will be 2 hours. Answer- sheets of Paper-II (Conventional Type) will be evaluated in respect of only those candidates who qualify in Paper-I at the standard as decided/fixed by the Commission at its discretion. There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-I.
B. Personality Test (Interview): Only those candidates who secure at least the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination as may be fixed by the Commission at its discretion, will be eligible to appear in the Interview. Interview will be conducted for 100 Marks. Candidates who qualify for Interview will be recommended for appointment by the Commission on the basis of total marks in the Written Examination and Interview.
C. Resolution of Tie Cases: In cases where more than one candidate secure the equal aggregates marks, tie will be resolved by applying the following methods one after another:-
(i) Total marks in written examination.
(ii) Marks in Paper-II.
(iii) Marks in Paper-I.
(iv) Date of birth, with older candidates placed higher.
(v) Alphabetical order in the first names of the candidates appear
Note-I: The Commission may, its discretion fix minimum qualifying standards in interview.
SSC Junior Engineer Syllabus: Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Quantity Surveying and Contract) Examination Syllabus details are given below….
Syllabus: The standard of the questions in Engineering subjects will be approximately of the level of Diploma in Engineering (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical) from a recognized Institute, Board or University recognized by All India Board of Technical Education. All the questions will be set in SI units. The details of the syllabus are given below:
Paper-I: Paper I will consists of General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, General Engineering (Civil and Structural), (Electrical & Mechanical).
Click here for Complete Details of Paper I
Paper-II: Paper II consists of Civil & Structural Engineering , Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics & Machinery and Production Engineering.
Click here for Complete Details of Paper II