What is WCF?
WCF means Windows Communication Foundation.
What do you know about Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)?
WCF is a part of the .NET Framework (Included in versions 3.0 and 3.5). It is a platform where developers can build service-oriented applications. WCF provides a runtime environment for services, enabling you to expose CLR types as services, and to consume other services as CLR types.
WCF means Windows Communication Foundation.
What do you know about Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)?
WCF is a part of the .NET Framework (Included in versions 3.0 and 3.5). It is a platform where developers can build service-oriented applications. WCF provides a runtime environment for services, enabling you to expose CLR types as services, and to consume other services as CLR types.
For Windows Communication Foundation Architecture Overview visit below link