NMDC 262 various vacancies

नेशनल मिनिरल डेवलपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन एनएमडीसी लिमिटेड (पूर्व में राष्ट्रीय खनिज विकास निगम), एक सरकारी स्वामित्व वाला खनिज उत्पादक है। यह भारत सरकार के इस्पात मंत्रालय के प्रशासनिक नियंत्रण में है। यह लौह अयस्क, तांबा, रॉक फॉस्फेट, चूना पत्थर, डोलोमाइट, जिप्सम, बेंटोनाइट, मैग्नेसाइट, हीरा, टिन, टंगस्टन, ग्रेफाइट, आदि की खोज में शामिल है। यह भारत का सबसे बड़ा लौह अयस्क उत्पादक और निर्यातक है, जो छत्तीसगढ़ और कर्नाटक में तीन मशीनीकृत खदानों से 35 मिलियन टन से अधिक लौह अयस्क का उत्पादन करता है। यह मध्य प्रदेश के पन्ना में देश में एकमात्र यंत्रीकृत हीरे की खान भी संचालित करता है।
नेशनल मिनिरल डेवलपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन द्वारा संचालित खदान
बैलाडीला लौह अयस्क खदान, किरंदुल परिसर, दक्षिण बस्तर जिला, दंतेवाड़ा (छ.ग.)
बैलाडीला लौह अयस्क खदान, बचेली कॉम्प्लेक्स, दक्षिण बस्तर जिला, दंतेवाड़ा (छ.ग.)
डोनिमलाई लौह अयस्क खदान, डोनिमलाई, बेल्लारी जिला, कर्नाटक
हीरा खनन परियोजना, मझगवां, पन्ना (म.प्र.)
National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Limited, Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, Donimalai Township, Ballari District, Karnataka has invited applications for the recruitment of 262 various vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format
नेशनल मिनिरल डेवलपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन द्वारा संचालित खदान
बैलाडीला लौह अयस्क खदान, किरंदुल परिसर, दक्षिण बस्तर जिला, दंतेवाड़ा (छ.ग.)
बैलाडीला लौह अयस्क खदान, बचेली कॉम्प्लेक्स, दक्षिण बस्तर जिला, दंतेवाड़ा (छ.ग.)
डोनिमलाई लौह अयस्क खदान, डोनिमलाई, बेल्लारी जिला, कर्नाटक
हीरा खनन परियोजना, मझगवां, पन्ना (म.प्र.)
National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Limited, Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, Donimalai Township, Ballari District, Karnataka has invited applications for the recruitment of 262 various vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format
Vacancy Details:
Total Posts: 262
Post Name:
1. Junior Officer (Mechanical) Trainee: 01 Post
2. Junior Officer (Electrical) Trainee: 01 Post
3. HEM Operator Gr I (Trainee) (RS-6): 52 Posts
4. HEM Mechanic Gr I (Trainee) (RS-6): 14 Posts
5. Mechanic Cum-Operator Gr I (Trainee) (RS-6): 25 Posts
6. Electrician Gr I (Trainee) (RS-6): 26 Posts
7. Technician Gr I (Electronics) (Trainee) (RS-6): 04 Posts
8. Quality Control Assistant Gr-III (Trainee)(RS-4): 02 Posts
9. Junior Stenographer Gr III (Trainee) (RS-4): 01 Post
10. Junior Assistant Gr III (Trainee) (RS-3): 26 Posts
11. Maintenance Assistant (Mechanical) (Trainee) (RS-2): 56 Posts
12. Maintenance Assistant (Electrical) (Trainee) (RS-2): 11 Posts
13. Field Attendant (Trainee) (RS-1): 43 Posts
Age Limit: Candidate upper age limit should not be more than 30 years as on closing date of receipt of application. Age relaxation will be applicable as per rules.
Eligibility: Candidate should possess a Degree in Mechanical Engineering for post 01, Degree in Electrical Engineering for post 02, Diploma in Mechanical Engg./Automobile Engg with Heavy Vehicle Driving License (HVDL) for post 03, 04 & 05, Diploma in Electrical Engg for post 06 & 07, Graduation in B Sc (Chemistry/ Geology) for post 08, Graduation in Arts / Science/ Commerce from a recognized University with passing certificates in Lower Grade English Shorthand and Higher Grade, English type-writing examination from Board of Secondary/ Technical Education of the respective states for post 09 & 10, ITI in the trades of Fitter, Welder, Turner, Auto-Electrician, Diesel Mechanic, Motor Mechanic and Machinist for post 11, ITI in the trade of Electrician for post 12, Middle/ 8th Passed or ITI for post 13.
Application Fee: Candidates have to pay a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- for the posts in JO scale and Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) for the posts in RS scale, drawn in favour of NMDC Limited, Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, payable at State Bank of Mysore, Donimalai / Canara Bank, Donimalai. SC/ ST/ PwD/ Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from application fee.
Apply Procedure: Eligible candidates may send their prescribed application format along with self-attested copies of certificates and testimonials in support of age, qualification, experience, caste (in case SC/ST/OBC), disability certificate (in case of PWD candidates), HVDL/ LVDL/ statutory certificate for electricians (wherever necessary) and 3 Nos. self-attested recent Passport size photographs to the Assistant General Manager(Per), NMDC Limited, Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, Donimalai Township- 583118, Sandur (Tq), Ballari (Dist), Karnataka State
Total Posts: 262
Post Name:
1. Junior Officer (Mechanical) Trainee: 01 Post
2. Junior Officer (Electrical) Trainee: 01 Post
3. HEM Operator Gr I (Trainee) (RS-6): 52 Posts
4. HEM Mechanic Gr I (Trainee) (RS-6): 14 Posts
5. Mechanic Cum-Operator Gr I (Trainee) (RS-6): 25 Posts
6. Electrician Gr I (Trainee) (RS-6): 26 Posts
7. Technician Gr I (Electronics) (Trainee) (RS-6): 04 Posts
8. Quality Control Assistant Gr-III (Trainee)(RS-4): 02 Posts
9. Junior Stenographer Gr III (Trainee) (RS-4): 01 Post
10. Junior Assistant Gr III (Trainee) (RS-3): 26 Posts
11. Maintenance Assistant (Mechanical) (Trainee) (RS-2): 56 Posts
12. Maintenance Assistant (Electrical) (Trainee) (RS-2): 11 Posts
13. Field Attendant (Trainee) (RS-1): 43 Posts
Age Limit: Candidate upper age limit should not be more than 30 years as on closing date of receipt of application. Age relaxation will be applicable as per rules.
Eligibility: Candidate should possess a Degree in Mechanical Engineering for post 01, Degree in Electrical Engineering for post 02, Diploma in Mechanical Engg./Automobile Engg with Heavy Vehicle Driving License (HVDL) for post 03, 04 & 05, Diploma in Electrical Engg for post 06 & 07, Graduation in B Sc (Chemistry/ Geology) for post 08, Graduation in Arts / Science/ Commerce from a recognized University with passing certificates in Lower Grade English Shorthand and Higher Grade, English type-writing examination from Board of Secondary/ Technical Education of the respective states for post 09 & 10, ITI in the trades of Fitter, Welder, Turner, Auto-Electrician, Diesel Mechanic, Motor Mechanic and Machinist for post 11, ITI in the trade of Electrician for post 12, Middle/ 8th Passed or ITI for post 13.
Application Fee: Candidates have to pay a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- for the posts in JO scale and Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) for the posts in RS scale, drawn in favour of NMDC Limited, Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, payable at State Bank of Mysore, Donimalai / Canara Bank, Donimalai. SC/ ST/ PwD/ Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from application fee.
Apply Procedure: Eligible candidates may send their prescribed application format along with self-attested copies of certificates and testimonials in support of age, qualification, experience, caste (in case SC/ST/OBC), disability certificate (in case of PWD candidates), HVDL/ LVDL/ statutory certificate for electricians (wherever necessary) and 3 Nos. self-attested recent Passport size photographs to the Assistant General Manager(Per), NMDC Limited, Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, Donimalai Township- 583118, Sandur (Tq), Ballari (Dist), Karnataka State

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