Once upon a time there was a grasshopper who was very jolly with nature. He always used to sing and dance. One day he saw a colony of ants. He saw that ants are busy in caring food and storing the food in their colony. He asked one of the ants to come and sing with him. The ant replied that she is busy in storing food for the winters. She asked the grasshopper, “Aren't you concerned about the winters?” The grasshopper replied, “Don’t worry about the winters it is still far away.” And he again got engaged in singing and dancing.
After some time one fine sunny day in the winter the grasshopper was roaming around. He was very hungry. He was looking for something to eat. He did not eat anything since last night. He was searching for food everywhere.
He reached to the colony of ants. The ants were carrying the food with them. He thought that he should ask for some food. So he went to the one of the ants and asked her, “Can you please lend me some food. I’m very hungry.”
One of the ants asked the grasshopper, “What did you do to the summer season? Didn't you collect the food for the winters?”
The grasshopper replied, “I spent all the summer singing songs and dancing. I was so engaged in enjoying the weather as I forgot to store the food for the winters.”
The ant replied with a smile, “You seem to be so careless. Now dance the winter away.” The grasshopper learnt a lesson.
He reached to the colony of ants. The ants were carrying the food with them. He thought that he should ask for some food. So he went to the one of the ants and asked her, “Can you please lend me some food. I’m very hungry.”
One of the ants asked the grasshopper, “What did you do to the summer season? Didn't you collect the food for the winters?”
The grasshopper replied, “I spent all the summer singing songs and dancing. I was so engaged in enjoying the weather as I forgot to store the food for the winters.”
The ant replied with a smile, “You seem to be so careless. Now dance the winter away.” The grasshopper learnt a lesson.