Friends one hot day during summer, there was an ant who was thirsty and searching for some water. After searching around for some time she soon reached to a spring.
In order to make it up to the spring and drink water she had to climb up on a blade of grass. While making her way to the top she slipped and fell into the water.
A Dove sitting on a branch of the tree nearby was watching all this. The Dove quickly plugged a leaf from the tree and dropped it into the water as soon as he saw that the ant is in trouble. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up on it. Soon she managed to reach to the dry ground.
Just at the same time there was a bird catcher Hunter came to the jungle and he tried to throw his night towards that Dove to catch him. The ant watched that the hunter is about to throw his net towards the Dove. So she bit the hunter on his toe. Feeling the pain, the hunter threw his net away. The Dove managed to fly every quickly to a safe place.
A Dove sitting on a branch of the tree nearby was watching all this. The Dove quickly plugged a leaf from the tree and dropped it into the water as soon as he saw that the ant is in trouble. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up on it. Soon she managed to reach to the dry ground.
Just at the same time there was a bird catcher Hunter came to the jungle and he tried to throw his night towards that Dove to catch him. The ant watched that the hunter is about to throw his net towards the Dove. So she bit the hunter on his toe. Feeling the pain, the hunter threw his net away. The Dove managed to fly every quickly to a safe place.